
In case you don't require a mailbox anymore, we will be sad to see you go, but make the process easy for you.

You can cancel any time towards your next subscription term. Our subscriptions are on a fixed monthly or yearly term by term basis. If you cancel you won't be charged for the following term anymore.

Simply sign into your account on our website and cancel your subscription.

In case you come from one of the legacy systems or former platforms please use the form below.



After you cancelled please make sure to redirect all your mails. We have a certain leanway (about 1 month) on mails still arriving. But please note shall we receive official mailings from authorities, IRAS, ACRA, Banks etc we will have to impose charges for address usage and/or return the mails to sender with a notification of unauthorized use.

IMPORTANT: In line with more stringent ACRA registration requirements, you can cancel an address used as official ACRA business address only once you changed the registration address or the company has been struck off from the registry.